All Hail our new Head of Procurement!

Author: The Head Fruit

By unanimous vote, the knights of the J&C Tropicals round table have voted to bestow upon Adrian “The Slayer of Dragon fruit” Capote the vaulted position of Head of Procurement.

With his tropical empire flourishing under the wings of his white, red, and yellow Dragon fruit army, it was agreed that Capote will lead the company in tropical sourcing, in addition to still overseeing the sales team. 

By sitting on both the J&C Tropicals procurement and sales thrones, Capote is strategically positioned to offer all his vendors and premier partners best-in-class service from seed to shelf. From his perspective, procurement and sales are natural extensions of each other and are necessary to achieve balance and symmetry.

With an unchallenged reputation as a force in the world of tropical produce, Capote has announced his 2022 intentions to:

  1.  Partner with reputable vendors that meet our criteria of quality, consistency, and variety
  2.  Source and grow our tropical programs and vendor relationships
  3.  Work closely with our local and international farming partners to upgrade their procedures
  4.  Expand our tropical supply chain
  5.  Improve our efficiency top to bottom
  6.  Focus on elevating, diversifying, and growing the sales team to accelerate our sourcing capabilities
  7.  Establish a product development seat to travel the world looking for new tropical produce options
  8.  Develop and expand the J&C Tropicals turmeric and other tropical programs 