6 peopleTime
45 minutesDifficulty
20 oz. calabaza
2 eggs
1 pc mango
6 pcs rambutan
1/8 pc papaya
2 cups water
2 tbs sugar
Spray pan
Silicon bar shaped mold
1) Bring water to a boil.
2) Peel calabaza, remove the seeds and cook in boiling water for 10 minutes.
3) Remove calabaza from water. In a bowl, add egg and sugar and mix with a whisk.
4) Peel and cut mango into small cubes.
5) Cut rambutan skin lengthwise, remove skin and separate the fruit from the pit.
6) Chop rambutan and mix with mango then add into calabaza mix.
7) Pre-heat oven to 350F. Spray pan the mold and fill with the calabaza mix.
8) Cook for 35-40 minutes, and enjoy!