Grilled Tropicals
Give the meat a break and enjoy the grill in a different way. We promise you won’t regret it.
3 peopleTime
20 minutesDifficulty
1 pc dragon fruit
1 pc guava
1 pc malanga
1 pc plantain
1 pc mango
Spray pan
1) Peel dragon fruit, guava, malanga, and plantain. Then slice in 1/2 inch pieces.
2) For the mango, slice as thick as possible depending on the size of the fruit.
3) Pre-heat the grill at high temperature.
4) Spray pan. Season sliced fruits with salt and pepper.
5) Place the softer tropicals (mango and dragon fruit) in the hottest part of the grill and cook for 2 minutes and flip. Repeat this action 4 times to cook 2 times on each side.
6) Place the hardest tropicals (plantain, malanga and guava) on the least hot part of the grill. Flip every 2 minutes until the tropicals are soft. The plantain might take longer.