

Matzo Mango and Passion Fruit Ice Cream Sandwich

Sweet and sour ice cream delight!



4 people


2 hours




1 pc mango

2 pcs passion fruit

1 qt heavy cream

14 oz. condensed milk

4 pcs Matzo sheet

1/8 cup chocolate sauce


1) Peel and slice the mango. Put in a blender until pureed. In a small pot, cook the puree for 7-8 minutes at low temperature moving constantly. Place the puree in a bowl and let it cool down in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

2) In a handheld beater or mixer, beat cream until peaks form.

3) Mix the mango puree with half the condensed milk and whisk.

4) Slowly add a scoop of cream into the mango mixture. Fold through until mostly combined – lumps are fine (this is jut to lighten it up a bit). Pour the remaining of mango mixture into the cream. Fold through and carefully until lump free.

5) Pour into a container – preferably with a lid- or other non-reactive container. Cover the surface with baking/parchment paper. Place lid or using cling wrap.

6) Freeze for 12+ hours.

7) Cut the passion fruit in half and scoop out the fruit into a bowl.

8) Remove parchment paper. Let it sit for 5 minutes to soften slightly, then scoop and serve on top of a Matzo sheet. Spread passion fruit on top of the mango ice cream. Cover with a second sheet of Matzo and drizzle with chocolate sauce on top.

Note: They can be kept in the freezer for 2 days if needed, preferably without the sauce.