Tamarind, also known as tamarindo, Indian dates, or sampalok, are the edible pods of the tamarind tree. Yes, yes, you heard that right. Tamarind comes from a tree! They come in a dry, brittle brown shell that must be cracked to eat the bright, citrusy pulp from the inside. At J&C Tropicals, we carry a sweet varietal perfect for snacking and a sour varietal that will have you puckering your lips for more. Tamarind can be made into paste for chutneys and sauces and incorporated into drinks and desserts.
- Eat it raw, as a syrup for drinks, or a paste for cooking.
- Add water with sugar and lemons for a fresh drink.
Store whole pods in a cool, dry environment for up to 1 week. Can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 1 month.
Thailand and Mexico
- Contains minerals like magnesium, potassium, and iron.
- Vitamins B1, B2, and B3.
- Thanks to its properties and antioxidants, this fruit is an amazing health boost.
Serving Size: 1 cup (120g)
Calories: 287
Nutritional Facts
Per cup
Naturally Low-Sodium
Naturally Cholesterol-Free
Naturally Low-Fat
Excellent source of fiber and iron
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